Smart people's "four parts song"

The paint is the basic material of the decoration. The paint is applied directly on the wall surface, which can protect and beautify the wall surface. The paint and finish are required to be used when painting. Commercially-available latex paint products are truly environmentally-safe and safe products only through Green Ten Rings certification.

Brand Store: Dulux Nippon Paint Master Coating

The first step: understand latex paint

Latex paint, commonly known as "paint" or "wall paint," is a water-soluble decorative material that is applied directly to interior walls to protect and beautify wall surfaces. It requires the use of primers and topcoats. Commercially-available latex paint products are truly environmentally-safe and safe products only through Green Ten Rings certification.

The second step: master the function of latex paint

The functional positioning of commercially available latex paint is divided into five series, from full-featured full-effect series, multi-functional five-in-one series, enhanced-functional super-easy-to-wash series, single-function series, and economical series, regardless of foreign brands. Such as Nippon or Dole, or domestic brands such as classic paint, have a corresponding product sales.

Paint, paint, paint, latex paint, interior decoration, home decoration

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