Choosing the right paint to make new home stay young

Paint is an indispensable material in the process of home decoration. It has the function of protecting the surface and decoration of wooden furniture. Its quality is directly related to the taste of the entire decoration. Good quality paint can not only make up for the defects of the pre-decoration, make the new home stay young, but also give home a rich connotation. So how to buy paint? Should start from the following aspects:

Nippon Paint ( Western Chemicals )

Look at packaging and production dates

When consumers purchase paint, they should carefully check the packaging to see if there is any leakage phenomenon. Because the paint has a large volatility, the product packaging must be sealed well. If there are signs of corrosion of the metal package, indicating that the sealing performance is not good or the product is stored for a long time, it must be treated with caution. In addition, looking at the packaging also depends on the production date and shelf life. At present, most of the residents in our city decorate the polyester paint, the corresponding warranty period is mostly one and a half years or two years, some polyester paint only There is no shelf life for the production date, so consumers should ask for the expiration date when checking the factory date to prevent them from expiring.


The net content indicated on the paint packaging of the regular manufacturers refers to the removal of the pure paint weight of the packaged objects, for example, the packaging barrel weighs 5 kg and the net package content is 20 kg. After the paint is weighed, the total weight should be 25 kg. Therefore, before the purchase, consumers can use scales to avoid inconsistent weight.

To reference the price

The price of goods and commodities is liked by everyone, but commodities have cost prices. Products that are lower than the cost price will inevitably have various hidden dangers. Paint is no exception. Consumers may wish to paint the brand and the price of mid-range paint before buying paint. Horizontal comparison, to understand the market conditions, if you encounter the situation of ultra-low prices, should be carefully considered, do not blindly buy, so as not to paint quality off.

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