Solve common problems in summer decoration

Summer is the “sensitive period” of decoration, but the enthusiasm of people to decorate new houses has not been reduced because of the increase in temperature. Relevant experts reminded that under the hot and humid climate conditions in summer, the pollution will be more serious and the details of quality problems will also appear. Consumers need to understand some of the precautions for safety decoration before the renovation.

Carpentry: Joining woodworking to leave seams

In the past, people generally believed that summer was not suitable for decoration, mainly because summer rain was high, humidity was high, and air had high water content, which could easily cause deformation of some wood products. However, judging from the current renovation process, many wood products, such as doors, floors, furniture, etc., are dehydrated in the factory's thermostatic room and subjected to high-temperature compression treatment rather than the past on-site processing. Therefore, the decoration is not affected by the season.

It is undeniable that due to the high humidity in the summer, there are some special requirements for wood products for decoration. As long as these problems are taken care of, safe, rational and efficient construction is performed, each work is done in strict accordance with normal construction processes and procedures. Summer decoration It is completely guaranteed quality. At present, formal home improvement companies usually have a set of strict and perfect construction process systems in these areas, and consumer concerns are redundant.

Summer decoration knowledge Bay window decoration entrance decoration interior decoration paint window furniture floor tile floor tile ld tile

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