Household wire purchase is stress

The wire is very small. A roll of a random coil in the corner can almost forget its existence. However, the responsibility of the wire is heavy. Many fires are caused by the aging of the wire, improper configuration, or poor quality of the wire. Therefore, consumers must be able to polish their eyes when selecting electric wires and make reasonable choices according to their own needs so that they can effectively prevent the occurrence of tragedies.

Panda Wire

Half of the wires used in home improvement are single-stranded copper wires. The cross-sectional area mainly includes three types of specifications, namely 1.5 mm2, 2.5 mm2, and 4 mm2, plus 6 mm2, but is mainly used for households. The main line is hardly used or used in home furnishings.

4 square millimeter specification

Mainly used for circuit main lines and air conditioners, electric water heaters, etc., and must go green. The kitchen electric wire is also best to use 4 square millimeters. Due to the relatively large number of kitchen appliances and the large amount of electricity used, 4 square millimeters of wires were chosen for normal use.

2.5 square millimeter specification

Mainly used for outlet power supply and branch line, refrigerator or small air-conditioning can also be safely used in the case of a dedicated line.

1.5 square millimeter specification

Mainly used for lighting and switchgear, half of the ground in the circuit will use this specification.

Electric wire air conditioning Linne water heater air conditioning prices home switch socket electrical appliances

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