The furniture industry pays more and more attention to originality

Furniture Fair emphasizes originality of design

March is the exhibition season for the Guangdong furniture industry. The three major furniture exhibitions in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Dongguan will be unveiled one after another. The three major furniture exhibitions in Guangdong have won considerable popularity and reputation in the industry due to their long history, rich experience and mature exhibition management model.

The current personalized design of homes is becoming more and more popular. It has become the consensus of the entire industry to improve the design capabilities of the home industry and change the situation of "Made in China" to "Created in China". As one of the representatives of the Guangdong Furniture Industry Exhibition, the 27th Shenzhen International Furniture Fair has emphasized the originality of the furniture industry for many years.

This year's Shenzhen Furniture Fair has a "Design Dome" theme pavilion, which is dedicated to show original designs of domestic and foreign designers. This year's exhibition will bring top modern design brands from Milan and the Netherlands to show visitors the creative power of artistic works.

At the same time, the exhibition also has a brand display representing American luxury and many famous designers came to Shenzhen to discuss and discuss contemporary design trends and destinations with visitors.

Start with three aspects to improve the design level of the industry

At present, the level of original design needs to be strengthened has become a consensus in the industry. And how to reverse the current status of the industry, the relevant person in charge of the Shenzhen Furniture Fair believes that the design level of the furniture industry can be improved from three aspects.

First, we must improve the level and cultivation of designers. The industry pointed out that designers need to let go, not create originals for originality, learning methods and expanding their horizons are the designers' primary homework.

Zhao Xuesong, a well-known domestic designer, told reporters that at present most domestic designers are led by the market, copying foreign designs, and seriously lacking self-innovation ability. Designers need to take the initiative to understand the status of China's home furnishing market and figure out what consumers want.

Secondly, the government, enterprises, and media need to support original design and provide a good communication platform and development environment for original design. Original design not only requires design, but also requires the participation of enterprises and society. Because in order to turn the original design into a product and truly realize industrialization, it also needs technology, technology, capital and other support.


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