Optional installation switch "four look" principle

The choice of switches and sockets is not only aesthetically pleasing, but more importantly, it is a safety issue. If you accidentally choose a poor quality switch, it is a life threat for your family. Remember that switching options only need to be mastered. The "four look" principle:

Siemens switch

A look at the brand: the vast majority of switch products in the market are some of the electrical products manufacturers half-way out of the incidental products, the real development and production of switch socket products, not many professional brands, like what is known as the "professional switch manufacturers in Europe," SIMTONE Simon in The switch market is rare.

TCL Legrand switch

Second, look at the certification: switches, sockets are mandatory certification products specified by the China Quality Certification Center, please confirm the product's "3C" logo and logo under the company code, this enterprise code is unique.

Switch socket buy furniture brand water heater brand switch socket electrical space Siemens

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